Thursday 16 May 2013

Bilbo's wedding (part 1)

Bilbo stood trembling in the middle of his chamber. At his side Balin waited patiently murmuring words of encouragement. With one deep breath Bilbo picked up the clothes that had been picked for this very occasion. 

He almost tossed them away on disgust for no self respecting hobbit would wear them. They were so very dwarves and even worse they were so clearly for one of a high status. That Bilbo realized wasn't the problem and as he struggled into the garments he searched for the real problem. 

In truth he knew very well what the problem was he was just loath to admit it even to himself. He wanted to marry Thorin that was certain but all these dwarfish customs were too much for him. 

"Come on, laddie." Balin said reaching forward to help Bilbo into the jacket. Bilbo squirmed slightly in the jacket before Balin strapped a fur over the top of it. "Stand still a while," Balin ordered as he set about braiding Bilbo's hair. 

His hair Bilbo realized was what had cause the most hassle. Once he had accepted Thorin's proposal any attempt to cut his hair to a proper length had been stopped just so it could be braided for the wedding. The hassle had been enough to make Bilbo wonder wether he would have accepted the proposal of he had known what was coming. 

Eventually Balin finished the braids and he turned Bilbo around to face him. "Not long now, laddie, an you will be exchanging vows." 

Bilbo nodded unable to speak and he still hadn't manage to reply to the poor dwarf when Ori called softly from the passageway, "It's time." 

Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves Bilbo let Balin lead him to the wedding hall for he was entirely to focuses on staying on his feet. 

As they passed through the hall door the hobbit could see Thorin at the other end. The dwarf smiled nervously any him and Bilbo noticed that whilst he was dressed in dwarvish clothing Thorin was dressed in that of a hobbit. 

Bilbo's gaze fell upon the flowers in Thorin's unbraided hair and a small gasp escaped his lips. It was a hobbit tradition so how could Thorin have known about it but even as e thougt that Bilbo remembered the questions the company had been asking him about hobbit weddings. 

With Balin still at his side Bilbo walked up the ile until he stood before Thorin. Meeting the dwarves eyes he saw his own years of joy mirrored there. 

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